Our Response to Covid-19

1.6 billion children are out of school around the world. The spread of the coronavirus and subsequent school closures challenge an already serious global learning crisis. Impact(Ed) is working with governments and other partners so that students can continue learning. At a time like this, our mission is more important than ever. Please join us as we use the power of media to meet these urgent public health and education needs.


    • Continuing our partnership with the UK Department for International Development’s Girls’ Education Challenge even as we shift activities to meet new needs to keep girls safe and learning.
    • Dramatically expanding the distribution of our educational videos through TV broadcasts and ministries of education (literacy, numeracy, sciences, life skills, etc.).
    • Expanding the use of our existing mobile learning platform in partnership with Cell-Ed (currently used for teacher training purposes) to share reliable COVID-19 messages with communities.
    • Broadcasting My Better World, our animated series to teach young people life skills, on CitizenTV in Kenya during school hours Monday through Friday.
    • Negotiating broadcast of My Better World with a variety of other networks and platforms across Sub-Saharan Africa and beyond.


    • Develop COVID-19 public health memes for social media. Featuring characters from our popular My Better World TV series, these will include critical prevention messages for youth and families.
    • TV, radio and social media public service announcements featuring African celebrities who have already agreed to donate their time and self-tape approved COVID-19 messages during lockdown — for audiences in Ghana, Kenya and Nigeria.
    • Respond to requests from governments and broadcasters to create new video and radio content for learning at home.

Our school communities may be physically isolated, but they are not alone.

We will continue to innovate so that even while schools are closed, learning continues!

We welcome your ideas and support. Email us