My Better World, a part-animated, part live action series produced by Impact(Ed) International, has been officially selected by the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, one of the world’s most prestigious animation awards.
The series, broadcast recently by the popular Kenyan network Citizen TV to top ratings, was selected in the TV film category from over 3,171 submissions from around the world.
Described as the Cannes film festival of the animation world, the Annecy International Animation Film Festival was created in 1960 and takes place every June in Annecy, France. It is one of the four international animated film festivals sponsored by the International Animated Film Association. Selections are classified into categories such as TV, feature films and short films, and incorporate various animation techniques including drawings, cut-out papers, modelling clay and computer-generated imagery.
Produced for Impact(Ed) by Fundi Films, My Better World is based on the widely acclaimed life skills curriculum by Camfed, and uses an innovative format that combines animation with live action inserts. It is the first of its kind to broadcast on television in Sub-Saharan Africa, and became the most-watched children’s show during its first 2019-2020 run on Citizen TV Kenya – averaging over 1.7 million viewers per episode.
Due to Covid-19 concerns, this year’s screenings and ceremony for the Annecy Film Festival will now take place online on June 15-30. More information on the online screenings can be found here.
Learn more about the series on the My Better World website