Education Changes Everything

Impact(Ed) delivers groundbreaking educational opportunities in marginalized communities around the world.

94% of Children

in the world were out of school due to COVID19

+20% earnings

after each additional school year for women

> 50% of 10 year olds

in low and middle-income countries were not learning to read, even before COVID19

Our Reach

2.6 million students

2,427 schools

40,000 + teachers trained

822 million broadcast reach

22 countries broadcast reach

Our Impact

+ 51%

girls’ school enrolment

*World Bank Study, 2020


girls believe they have more decision-making power over their future

*Social Impact evaluation 2014-2016 Kenya


more effective teaching

*Social Impact evaluation 2014-2016

#1 and #2

most watched movies ever in sub-Saharan Africa

"Every time I watch one of these programs, I discover new things, which leads me to improve my performance. The programs broaden my horizons and fill me with new knowledge and new dreams."

Naemi, student, Okahandji, Namibia

"My Better World embodies the best of what media can and should do - draw audiences on its entertainment merit, telling the stories that matter most, and leaving them empowered to improve their lives and the lives of those around them."

Citizen TV, Kenya

"Now that the program has started, all my daughters are in school. A man asked for one of my daughters’ hand in marriage. I insisted NO, she must go to school."

Usman, father in Kano State, Nigeria

"I moved ahead two grade levels in one year. I thought I would never finish school but now I see I can."

Mayiannae, Accelerated Learning Program student, Kenya

Latest Stories

‘Shaina’ and ‘Inside Story’ come to Netflix

3 minute read

Huge news! ‘Shaina’ and ‘Inside Story’ – our feature films – have made their debut on the global stage of Netflix. This means that our impactful stories are now accessible to millions of viewers spanning over 190 countries – including you! Both films have sparked profound changes among individuals and communities and are a testament

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girl sitting on steps reading book

Education Changes Everything:

Give the gift of education and help girls and boys live healthier, happier, more productive lives.

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